Pray for the Ministry of CEF


July Call to Prayer

“In prayer we can approach God with complete assurance of His ability to answer us. There is no limit to what we can ask, if it is according to His will.” - John F. Walvoord

Lord God, may Your will be our will, and we not be shy, in asking for Your abundant provision of all that is needed to bring the Gospel to the children in the Paterson Parks this summer.


God is doing amazing things!

  • On track to conduct 5-Day Clubs in the Paterson Parks for the 25th consecutive year
  • Well-attended summer ministry training (30 volunteers), enough to have 4 teams serving in Paterson, including a group from a new church
  • Local Director position job-posting websites generating candidates


  • Preparation, planning, scheduling, weather, and health and protection of volunteers in conducting the Paterson Parks 5-Day Clubs
  • Committee training to assume Local Director responsibilities for the interim
  • A smooth transition as Twyla leaves and the committee continues the work
  • God’s provision of His chosen director for the ministry as it moves forward
  • Favor with school administrations as we set up fall Good News Clubs

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

  • Salvation for the children in your town
  • Wisdom for the Personnel Subcommittee in recruiting committee members
  • More supporters to join as prayer partners
  • Greater attendance at the monthly Zoom prayer meetings
  • Resources, staff, and volunteers to reach children in all 6 North Jersey Chapter counties
  • Opportunities to develop church partnerships 
  • Wisdom for NJ State Board in finding a State Director, maintaining property and guiding chapters
  • Growth of all CEF of NJ chapters
  • CEF president Jeremiah Cho and the International Board - wisdom in strengthening organization policies and procedures
  • For the CEF workers in areas of conflict,

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