Twyla is moving on

Dear Friends of Children,

What a joy and immense privilege it has been to serve the Lord with the CEF of NJ team for the past 22+ years! CEF has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I attended Good News Club® and 5-Day Club® as a child, accompanied my mom to CEF’s Children’s Ministries Institute® when the Lord called her into ministry, served as a Christian Youth in Action® missionary teaching clubs when I was a teen, and continued teaching Good News Club as a college student.

When the Lord called me into vocational ministry years later, joining the CEF team felt natural. I have enjoyed observing God’s work in so many lives over the years. I’ve seen the eyes of children light up when they heard for the first time that God loved them so much that He sent Jesus to pay the price for their sins. I’ve witnessed teens learn to trust God as they taught their first Bible lesson and discovered that God can use them. I’ve watched adults step out of their comfort zone to take the Gospel to kids in parks, public schools, and anywhere. God has provided amazing friendships and ministry partnerships. I have learned to trust God in ever deeper ways through challenges and difficulties. The journey these past many years has been nothing short of amazing. I am so grateful.

Recently, I’ve sensed that the Lord is leading me away from CEF and into something new. Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a season for everything, and it seems that my season of serving the Lord and the children of North Jersey through CEF is coming to an end. My planned last day of ministry will be July 31. I do not yet know where the Lord is leading, but I do sense that He is calling me to focus more on discipleship—whether that is into church ministry, a secular job and teaching a Sunday School class, or something completely different.

The decision to leave CEF is one of the hardest choices I have faced. I believe in the ministry. I love the local committee, my co-workers around the state, and the many volunteers, prayer warriors, and financial supporters who give and serve sacrificially so the children of North Jersey can know Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness to CEF and the love and support you have shown me.

The work of CEF here in North Jersey is more important than ever. Boys and girls need the hope of the Gospel in a hopeless and confused world. They need a loving Christian to open God’s Word and show them God’s great love for them and His invitation for them to know Him.

There is no better time than right now to ask God what He would have you do to help take the Gospel to the children. Here are some specific things you can do to help during this transition period:

1. Will you join me in committing to pray daily for the CEF of North Jersey committee? There are challenges ahead as they search for the right person to lead the ministry into the future. They have been searching for a ministry coordinator to join the work but they are shifting their efforts to seeking God’s choice for a new local director. Please encourage and support them in the many decisions and difficult work leading through this transition will require!

Jack and Linda Parzek. Jack serves as committee chair. You can reach him at [email protected].

John Maxham, who serves as vice chair.

Bob and Linda West. Bob serves as treasurer.

Carol Bradbury, who serves as secretary.

2.  Pray for the new director God has for CEF of North Jersey. Ask God to prepare this person for the work God has for him or her, to give a clear call, and to remove hindrances from taking on this role.

3.  Please continue to support CEF financially. I am leaving, but the work goes on. The ministry requires resources—materials, overhead costs, and other expenses continue. CEF trusts that the Lord will provide through His people. A secure financial position will help CEF continue to reach the children and provide what is needed for a new director.

4.  Step up. Has the Lord been speaking to you about becoming more involved with CEF in some capacity? There is ALWAYS a need for volunteers who will teach or help in club ministries—and that continues. That’s not the only way to serve, though. We need business and tech-savvy individuals to lend their expertise. The ministry will need a variety of extra help during this transition time.

I would also ask your prayers for my husband, Steve, and me during this major transition. While we are certain this is God’s leading, leaving a growing ministry without knowing what is next is a big step of faith. Please pray that we’ll be faithful and obedient servants of God as we trust His direction and provision. During the next few months, I’ll be working to pack up the CEF office, write documentation for all the things I do, and provide written and practical training on many office/ministry tasks. This feels like an overwhelming undertaking, but I’m committed to finishing my time at CEFwell.

God has been faithful to CEF of North Jersey for 55 years. We trust His faithfulness for CEF in this next chapter of ministry and look forward to what He will do in the future.

In His Grace,

Twyla Pellegrino